7 Core Commitments

1. The Word of God Above All Else
We believe that the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God and are wholly sufficient to accomplish our mission. We strive to make the Word of God central and pervasive in all we do. The Bible is our final authority in matters of faith and conduct.

2. Worshiping a God Who is Worthy
We declare the supremacy of God through corporate, private and family worship that is designed to exalt Him in conformity with His Word. We seek worship that invokes participation and appreciation because of its beauty and substance. Our worship draws deeply from the historic practices of the church, while being both accessible and authentic.

3. Transforming Lives Through the Gospel
We believe that the transformation of lives comes from the full counsel of God as it is preached, taught, and lived out. It is the gospel that compels us to reach the lost in our communities and throughout the world.