Grace BFC AWANA 2024 Registration

By submitting this registration for your child(ren), you understand they will be under the care of our camp leaders while they are on church property.

In the unlikely event that medical treatment is required I authorize the leader in charge of the above mentioned group to arrange for my child to receive such first aid, medical or surgical treatment as the leader may deem necessary at any time during the activities of the camp. I further authorize the use of Ambulance and/or anesthetic by a qualified medical practitioner if in his/her judgment it is necessary. I accept responsibility for payment of all expenses associated with such treatment.

I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Grace Bible Fellowship Church against all claims, demands, suits and liability of whatever nature and howsoever arising out of the injury to the child, and the relevant activity being undertaken. In return Grace Bible Fellowship Church will make every effort to ensure a safe environment for all participants.
Photo Consent
I agree that Grace Bible Fellowship Church may from time-to-time record video or images of my children participating in activities run at any of the ministry activities at Grace Bible Fellowship Church. These videos and images may be used for promotional purposes in printed material or on the Grace Bible Fellowship Church website. By your children attending Grace Bible Fellowship Church activities, you consent to Grace Bible Fellowship Church taking videos and images and using and disclosing them for such purposes.  

A few questions to help us know you better.